LRMM doesn’t live to work but works to live

The young people we meet often ask us what our workload is like. At LRMM, we understand that a good balance between personal life and professional life is an important element to consider when choosing a firm.

So what is the everyday reality at LRMM?

The LRMM philosophy

We consider the well-being and development of our articling students, students and employees to be paramount:we want every employee to maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives. After all, a happy employee is more effective and efficient than an over-extended employee who spends his or her days and nights at the office.

Thankfully, life is not only about work! Having athletic or artistic passions, playing a musical instrument, participating in an association or simply taking the time to enjoy one’s family and friends is what a full life is all about!

Even though the job of an attorney is very demanding and some periods are more intense than others, it’s important to maintain balance. Certainly, the early stages of one’s career require some getting adjusted to, and this is where your mentor can help.Your mentor will be there to give you tips to deal with your workload in an effective and organized fashion so that it doesn’t overwhelm you.

At LRMM, we believe it’s entirely possible to be successful while reconciling work, family and social life. As everyone is different, you will have our support as you eventually find the ideal rhythm that suits you.

The LRMM articling student’s workload

The firm doesn’t set a minimum number of work hours for articling students and students; we simply ask that our recruits be present and available when we feel it necessary. We consider their personal investment in their files and their keen approach to their workload much more important than the accumulation of hours worked. At Lapointe Rosenstein Marchand Melançon, quality takes priority over quantity!

As an articling student or student, every day is unique. It’s tough to determine what a typical day is like, but we won’t lie to you: the articling period may sometimes be very intense, but it’s also an extremely rewarding and fruitful experience.

Articling is a marathon, not a sprint! You need to cover a long distance at a sustained pace. Think long term! Articling is just the beginning. You will certainly find a balance over your first years of practice and find a more relaxed rhythm.

The LRMM attorney’s workload

Choosing a career as a lawyer means choosing a path that requires personal investment, pushing yourself and making sacrifices. However, being an attorney at LRMM also means having the time for a life with interests and down-time outside of work. Some firms require an outsized number of hours, but this is not our philosophy.

Mélissa and Peter, attorneys at the firm for respectively twenty years and ten years, can testify to their experience at LRMM.

Mélissa Rivest

Mélissa Rivest, partner

I started my career at LRMM as a student, then as an articling student, and I’m now a partner in the litigation department. LRMM empowered me to surpass myself, to perfect my skills and to learn my profession in a friendly, open environment with highly skilled colleagues. I now have two children and I have the option to practice law and take on professional challenges while having a full family life. Our profession is demanding in terms of time, energy and brainpower,yet it’s essential for me that it’s not to the detriment of my being there for my family. LRMM respects these values.
At LRMM, there is no pre-established career trajectory, and I have never felt that my life as a mother would prevent me from moving up in the firm.

Peter Moraitis

Peter Moraitis, attorney

Unlike the typical path of many attorneys, I made the inverse jump when I joined the ranks of LRMM – I left a corporate law practice to jump into the world of private law. LRMM certainly stands out from the rest, not only for the quality of its professionals but also for its culture.
Working at LRMM means working on a dynamic, professional and above all friendly team. I discovered a diverse firm both in terms of fields of practice and overall make-up, together with a strong spirit of mutual support. In addition to giving me interesting and engaging files in my daily practice, I not only find the time to get involved in the legal and sports communities, but they expressly encourage me to do so and support me in such endeavours.

In fact, for several years I have easily balanced my career as an attorney with another of my passions: acting as a referee in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League. Even today, I still hold the position of president of Hockey Québec’s Provincial Officiating Committee!

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